all postcodes in ST16 / STAFFORD

find any address or company within the ST16 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST16 1AA 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 1AB 0 52.804885 -2.131473
ST16 1AD 0 52.804086 -2.13107
ST16 1AE 0 52.803914 -2.131885
ST16 1AF 0 52.804248 -2.130121
ST16 1AG 0 52.803099 -2.128901
ST16 1AH 0 52.805285 -2.13542
ST16 1AJ 0 52.805337 -2.137007
ST16 1AL 0 52.805192 -2.137867
ST16 1AN 0 52.803801 -2.136171
ST16 1AP 0 52.804499 -2.138636
ST16 1AQ 0 52.805313 -2.134871
ST16 1AR 0 52.804359 -2.135713
ST16 1AS 0 52.804196 -2.136885
ST16 1AT 0 52.803193 -2.133663
ST16 1AU 0 52.802609 -2.13283
ST16 1AW 0 52.804528 -2.13699
ST16 1AX 0 52.803607 -2.13313
ST16 1AY 0 52.803533 -2.134628
ST16 1AZ 0 52.80401 -2.13457